Miss Syd has had 4 wiggly teeth for months now. MONTHS! She won't let us take them out. Last week at the ortho he said they need to come out now or the permanent teeth are going to come in more crooked. So starting Sunday, we have wiggled the wiggly teeth out, one per day. Last night she was crying and I said, "well we can wait until tomorrow if you want." She said, "NO I want it out now!" So we wiggled it free! Then we--when I say we I mean Loren and Syd--thought it would be funny to check her blood sugar using the gaping hole from her missing tooth. It actually worked. She was 71. :D
She was very excited for the toothfairy to come. Although the toothfairy in our home is not good. She has forgotten to leave money 2 out of the 4 times we have lost teeth. Sunday we forgot. Monday morning we woke up to Sydney crying because the toothfairy forgot her. She even checked her pillowcase (which is where we "found" the money last time we forgot.) So Loren saved the day that morning. BUT I am proud to say last night, the toothfairy did not forget! Syd even "tricked" the toothfairy by leaving both teeth under her pillow. The toothfairy, feeling guilty from the night before, paid out for two teeth. Anyway here are some pics...
~The missing top tooth. Now she has the cutest little lisp. When she said prayers it sounded like this, "pleath bleth us to be thafe." (please bless us to be safe.) Yes, she had been crying. Yes I asked if she wanted to stop. She said to continue.

~Checking her blood sugar with the tooth blood. :-)

~She thought that part was hilarious. It was accurate too...she was low about 10 minutes earlier and had some juice. She was on her way up...then down. Then way up. It was one of "those" nights.

~This morning...heading to school with her toothless smile--and no more swollen eyes from crying!
They're like...long lost cousins I tell ya!
Love her cute little toothless smile. SO SWEET :)
Looks like the same drama we had in our house last night, btw.
Very cool to check her sugar. Why not?!?!? I hate wasting a drop of blood.
She is just too cute...even with the missing teeth :)
Love the missing teeth! Too funny that you guys checked her BG! That will be a picture to save in the D scrapbook!
(FYI: Did you notice the date on your bottom pic is about 6 years off? :) )
I love grins with holes in them! What a cutie!
I love grins with holes in them! What a cutie!
man this must be the week for teeth I mean first you and then wendy over at candy hearts . I can only say Im queasy now thanks guys LOL !!!
That's funny about checking her blood sugar where the tooth was. But it sure beats another poke! The tooth fairy sometimes forgets to stop by our house too. Tip...check the sides of the bed to see if it "fell." We have found it there once or twice. :)
She is a rock star in my book! That is a lot of teeth to lose in such a short time!
Congratualtions hot stuff! And AWESOME job on tricking the tooth fairy! My kinda gal!
Haha Tracy--I guess we didn't set the date properly after we charged the battery. lol
Too funny! I just liked how the date was right in some pics and not the last one. ;) It stood out to me. :)
Definitely hot stuff!!! :) I love that you checked blood sugar with the tooth blood!
Adorable! I LOVE little kids and missing teeth....it's so stinkin' cute....and one of my faves to photograph (hint, hint)! :)
can't believe she is old enough to be losing her teeth..... she looks so old already in her before school pic.... what a little cutie :)
She is soooo stinkin' cute!
Our tooth fairy has forgotten to leave some $$$ a few times too. I have been left scrambling in the morning trying to sneak some money in the kid's tooth boxes.
Oh she is so beautiful!!!! The tooth fairy has also been visiting our house a lot..... Tristan has no more front teeth on top!! LOL I will email Syd a picture later :)
Love that pretty toothless face!
I love the gaps....they're almost matched up.
Good thing the tooth fairy came on time!
You & Wendy with the blood check.....hilarious! and smart!
She IS pretty hotstuff with two missing teeth!
I love the checking the blood sugar from the vacant tooth blood!!! HA HA!!
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