This past weekend we traversed the 4 hour journey north to visit my ooolllldddeeerrrr sister Krystal and her super cool hubby, Mike. We had a great time!! Of course, with these 2 it doesn't take much to have some fun! Friday night Loren and Mike went out for a Man Night and my sister and I just hung out and talked and laughed for hours!
Saturday morning we were able to attend the JDRF walk in their city. It was coooolllld that morning but fun! Then we enjoyed a delicious lunch at Tucanos! Wow! Can I say YUM!?!?! My birthday is next month and I wanna go back! Then we went back to Mike and Krystals but I was so darn tired--probably from all that good Tucanos food--so I laid down with the girls and took a lil nap. Then we went swimming! Came home. Ate tamales and tacos...God bless Maria who made them. Delish! We watched a movie and then came home on Sunday! Overall it was a great mini vacation and I can't wait to go back! Here are some pics and, at the end, an update on Sydney.
~Me, Krystal, and my girls who were not looking at the camera.

Me and Syd on the walk.

~Krystal and Morgan at Tucanos.

~Mike and Krystal at Tucanos...Mike is trying to be serious. And that would be Syd's finger on the right hand side. :D

~Loren took a picture of me crashed on the couch. :)

~The girls getting ready for swimming! Yay for waterslides!

~My girls doing Yoga with Krystal. It is quite comical. :D
Syd update: She has been doing better as far as lows are concerned. She has had a few but nothing like a couple weeks ago. The shots are draining, I'm not gonna lie. It's like going from having a lovely dishwasher to hand-washing every single dish. But, we are managing. She is still taking a fraction of the insulin she was. Lately her numbers have actually been running high so I think we need to tweak some more. Her endo is so awesome because he doesn't make big, radical changes. Slow and simple til you find where they need to be. Syd is doing ok w/ the shots too although she has her when we have to correct in the middle of the night. But, overall, she is just a trooper! Always making us proud. Next Friday we will travel the 3 hours south to her endo and hopefully have more answers there from her blood work! Take care everyone! Thanks for the well wishes and concerns!
Lovely post, my friend!!!!!! Your yoga girls totally rock :)
I love that pic of the 5 of you at the top :) SO SWEET!!!!
You and your sis are so cute together! I'm so glad you had a nice family weekend!
I'm also glad you haven't had to constantly fight lows. When L had the flu the other day, and we fought lows and used mini gluc and I was CONSUMED with worry, I thought of you and how you went through the low fighting for so many days.
Just FYI...we have an animas pump that we don't use...that has the
0.025 basal rates. If you want to hook her up, when her insulin needs start to rise, you are welcome to it. I'm sure between all the d moms we can get you enough sets to last you a couple months. Mi pump es su pump! (And I'm 100% serious!) Love ya!
Awww.. I miss you girls. Glad you guys could get together :)
She looks darn good for an "ooolllldddeeerrrr sister" (just sayin).
Glad you guys had fun and soo glad Sydney is doing better. Keep us posted :)
Krystal looks AMAZING as always! :) She's so gorgeous!!! Anyhoo....glad to hear that Syd's numbers are doing a little better, besides being on shots. I bet that is hard for you guys....I am glad to hear it is going okay. And what a super fun weekend! Spending time with family is always the best!!!
Oh geez...did I say look at the "FIVE" of you in the top pic. My bad...I can count, really I can ;)
Hooray for sister fun and better numbers!
Great pictures!!
I'm so proud of Syd! She's doing such a good job.
On Thursday we had to give Tristan a few injections because we were having some issues. He flipped out!!!!! I mean literally it took 2 of us to give him an injection! Silly kid :)
Thanks for the update on Syd!!!
Love the swim suit pic and the pic of the "shoulder stands". Those are really HARD btw. I do some yoga and... Ichi - wawa...hard to get those legs up! Your girls ROCK...and it looks like your sis is an AWESOME auntie.
Thanks for sharing.
P.S. I cannot wait to hear what the results of Syds blood work are. Sounds really bizarre with those LOWS and drastic decrease in insulin.
i think mo is going to be a model...check out that pose in the swimsuit pic. i love it! and it was GREAT to see you guys in Boise. i was sad i didn't get to say goodbye!
Thanks for the update... I have been wondering how Sydney is doing. =)
Looks like you guys had a fabulous time!!
Sisters rock!!! When I and my sister get together we can laugh and talk for hours. Our husbands go and find a good movie and we just enjoy our time and try to keep track of the kids :)
The picture of them doing Yoga is so darn cute and they also have darling bathing suits!!!
I am glad that Sydney is doing better and I hope that at some point the shots will be over and she can return to the "comfort" of the pump.
Hang in there!!!
Looks like fun!! Carrie and I decided you should be in charge a putting together another roomie reunion this summer! Just a thought...get your little gears turning!!
Looks like you guys had a great time! :)
Hope you get some answers at your next endo visit! We've only been pumping for 6 weeks but I can't not even imaging telling Liv we need to go back to shots! Syd is such a strong little girl!
Sister trips are always fun! They are almost as much fun as visiting Wendy trips ;) I hope to see you soon!
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