Friday, February 1, 2008

This Made My Day!

A few weeks ago I wrote a letter to the editor of our local paper saying,

"I am writing to say “thank you” to ISU provost Robert Wharton for circulating the email that scolded ISU faculty for failing to submit grades on time. (See Idaho State Journal January 15th issue) Professors, although I understand are busy, have deadlines to meet just as their students do. I am a senior at Idaho State University and throughout my college career, I am certain that had I gone to a professor and pleaded my case as to why I deserved an extra week on an assignment, I would be granted no mercy. If I neglected to turn an assignment in on time, if the professor even accepted the late work, I would surely be docked on my grade for failing to turn it in by the assigned deadline. The ISU faculty needs to be held to the same standards that they expect and demand from their students. In fact today, during one of my classes, my professor made it a point to emphasize the fact that late work will be docked and not be given the same attention as an on time assignment would be. I agree with this policy. As students we are given a syllabus at the beginning of a semester and it is up to us to manage our time to fit homework into our rigorous schedules. ISU faculty should do the same. I would love to try and turn in an assignment late this semester and use all my many responsibilities as an excuse; however, as a mere student, I am not granted tenure and my work actually reflects my grades and my overall achievement.

Shamae Lyon
Idaho State University Senior"

Anyway today I got a "Thank You" card in the mail from Robert Wharton's wife. She said,

"Dear Shamae, Thank you so very much for your excellent letter to the editor regarding my husband, Dr. Robert A. Wharton, and ISU's student's grades. Your support and that of your fellow student's matter so much. We are so pleased and grateful for the leadership you demonstrated with your letter. And, we are especially grateful that you carved out the time from your very busy senior schedule to provide the critical student perspective on this matter. We are wishing you the very best!"

This made my day and gave me warm fuzzies. It is always nice to know that somebody appreciated something that you did. I just wanted to share this!



Jayson & Carrie said...

You go girl! You are more gutsy than I'll ever be! Love you!

wendys said...

good job shamae! You are so motivated. I just whine to mike when there's something going on that I don't like!