Hadlee arrived last Monday, December 6 at 9:15 a.m. via c section 5 weeks early. My pre eclampsia had gotten to the point where it was safer for me to deliver. It was tough delivering pre term, not knowing how well "baked" Hadlee would be at this point. Babies do a lot of developing that last month in utero. Hadlee came out and weighed 5 lbs 14 oz and was 18 inches long. She wasn't breathing well and was taken to the NICU and placed on a cpap machine. (It's the pictures of the mask type thing on her face. A few hours later the doctor decided to intubate her due to the fact that her lungs kept trying to collapse. Once intubated they administered a drug directly into her lungs called surfactant to help her lungs stay inflated. She also had to stay pretty sedated because too much wiggling can make the tube move and that wouldn't be safe for her because of where it sits in her throat. While intubated she couldn't make any noise so when she would cry you could see her crying but not hear her because the tube went between her vocal cords and into her trachea. She was intubated for a night and the next day they decided her lungs were well enough not to need the constant pressure the intubation provided. They put her back on her cpap machine which still gave pressure into her lungs but it wasn't quite as invasive. A couple days later she was able to move to a nasal cannula.
A week later she is doing well but is still in NICU for the time being. She has been off oxygen for over 24 hours now and is working on getting enough energy to take all her feeds by mouth instead of having some of them through her feeding tube. Her weight dropped to 5 lbs 3 oz but a couple days ago finally started gaining and is now up to 5 lbs 7 oz. Today she took 4 feeds in a row all by mouth but at 5:30 pm when her pediatrician called he said she was too tired to wake for her feeding and her nurse had to tube feed her. Hopefully she gets strong soon because it's been hard not having her home and it's hard going back and forth to the NICU several times a day.
Yesterday Hadlee was stable enough to take to the family room across from the nicu to have her feeding so the girls were finally able to hold their baby sister. It was a special time to spend about 30 minutes together as a family. The hardest part was giving Hadlee back to the NICU and leaving without her. We are hoping she will make it home before Christmas. So, if you wouldn't mind, keep Hadlee in your prayers that she can get strong enough to come home soon. I will try to be better at keeping the blog updated.
~The CPAP machine on Hadlee right after she was born.

~Daddy with intubated and sedated Hadlee. It was hard because while intubated, we couldn't hold her.

~Back on the CPAP machine. The weight of it, although not much, did cause swelling in her face and bruising on her eyes. It has since gone away but you will notice it in some of these pictures.

~Holding mommy's finger and on the nasal canula. It was nice finally being able to see her face without so many tubes!
yea for Hadlee!!!! I am glad she is doing so well and things seem to be going pretty smoothly. I am sure she will be home for Christmas...I guess Loren gets a free pass on what to get you for Christmas ;) luv you girl!!
Oh, she's such a beautiful little baby! I bet it won't be long before she's home and can start tormenting her older sisters! Hang in there and remember to take some time for yourself so you can heal and get stronger too! I'll be keeping all of you in my prayers!
She is SO beautiful!! Congrats from us all :) I cant imagine how hard it is to go home without her, lots of prayers for you all.
She is so adorable! Congratulations!!! (And I love the name. My youngest is named Hadley :) I am glad she is healthy and you are all doing well. :)
Congrats! I love all the pictures and I am so happy she is doing well. I will pray for her health so she can soon come home and be with the family!!! Love her already!!
What beautiful pictures... congrats! My heart broke a little seeing her hooked up to all those machines, I can't imagine what it must be like for you! Praying for her to be healthy and home in time for Christmas... what an awesome present that would be!
Congrats on your beautiful little girl.
Prayers for sweet little Hadlee and the rest of your family! She is beautiful and I hope that she will be home before Christmas! I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this must be on you and your family! Yay for continued progress though! Good luck with things and little miss Hadlee!
What a precious blessing! Sending a ton of prayers your way that baby Hadlee will grow stronger every day and be home for Christmas!! Get your rest while you are home! You are going to need it mama!!
Congratulations! What a beautiful little girl you have (well, ALL of your girls!) I will keep your family in my prayers that sweet Hadlee is home soon.
Even though I check facebook more than I ever have to see how Hadlee is doing. It was fun to see all of the pictures on the blog and here the story of how she arrived and why. She is so pretty Shamae and Loren and I must say I think she looks like Morgan did when she was a baby (remember we moved into the ward when she was about 6 months I think).
Anyway we pray for her and your family ever night and I look forward to seeing the blog that says...Hadlee is home!!
Congrats! I hope you're all home and together soon! She's beautiful!
She's beautiful! I think she looks like you.
I will keep her in prayer along with the whole family. What an incredible blessing she is!
Yay! So beautiful. Love the pictures! Try to get some rest!!
Congratulations! She is a beauty. I can't tell who she looks like though. Maybe Morgan? I hope you are recovering ok Shamae, I'm sure it is difficult all the running back and forth to the hospital.
What a precious beautiful baby! Conrats to you! :)
She looks like a tiny baby doll in that last picture! Congratulations and you guys will be in our prayers.
Oh she is so beautiful! What a wonderful Christmas present for you and your family. I hope your little miss can come home for Christmas.
What a beautiful baby girl. The pictures of your girls holding her are so sweet. I pray that she will be able to come for Christmas. Take care!
Congrats on the special angel addition! I will say a special prayer for your family and Hadlee. She is so beautiful!! Hoping for a special Christmas delivery that includes Hadlee at home :)!
Congratulations...I am glad that she is doing better and is out of NICU...sending prayers.
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