Then we took a fun trip to visit my sister! She lives about 4 hours away from us. We went swimming and to the zoo. Morgan has no fear of water AT ALL! She was letting me dunk her under the water and loved it! If she could she would go off the diving board! Sydney is getting less afraid too, although she won't let me dunk her. Hopefully swimming lessons will help her loosen up! But the girls had so much fun. They love their Aunt Krystal and Uncle Mike! (So do we :D We also went to a really fun Japanese restaurant where the table is centered around a big stove top and the cook comes out and cooks your food in front of you! We enjoyed some delicious food...including one of my personal favorites CALIFORNIA ROLLS! I don't have any pics of the restaurant but it was fun! The rest of the pictures are from our adventures at the zoo!! Enjoy! This is just the beginning of our spring/summertime fun!! There will be more to come!
1 year ago
Cute pictures Shamae! It looks like the sun is coming out up there! It snowed here yesterday.. I could've just screamed! Summer can not come fast enough! That Morgan..glad you have your hands full with her! I miss 'ya!!!
Looks like you had a great time at the zoo and roller skating! What a cute family you have, I can't believe how fast they grow up! So where is your sister living? Hope all is well.
We love the Boise zoo, Rick has a brother & a sister over that way. The kids always have a blast!
I love the zoo. It is so fun so see the kids and how exciting they are to see all the different animals. I can't believe how big your girls are getting. They are sooo cute.
IT looks like so much fun! I can't wait until it is nice weather and school is out so that I can be outside. How is everything going?
Oh my! Your girls are just so cute! Sounds like you have been busy!
Shamae, this is Heather Straatman. Hey I sometimes look through your blog and I came across the post about your poor little girl having diabetes. I nannied for a family that their little girl had diabetes and had to have insulin shots every day. It is so sad that poor little kids can get this. While I was there she got a pump, which is so much better for kids, because they don't have to have shots 4 times a day. Also one of my friends just had the same thing happen with her little boy, he is only 2 and they just put him on the pump. It is much better for them to be on the pump, it helps regulate their blood sugar levels, and keeps them from getting that many shots. So if you guys haven't looked into getting a pump, I suggest that you do look into. Sorry I'm being nosy, but I feel bad for you and your poor little girl. I hope everything is going good with you. Its nice to look at your blog and see what you are up to.
Wow, I need to take my girls to the zoo while the weather is nice and not too hot. It's looks like you guys had fun. Your girsl are soo cute.
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