I thought it would only be appropriate for this Flashback Friday post to be patriotic. It is amazing how one single act can make a day "live in infamy" (quoting FDR after Pearl Harbor was bombed back in 1941). I'm sure we all remember where we were and what we were doing when the 9/11 attacks happened. We can recall certain feelings and emotions and thoughts. I would imagine many parts of our recollection from that day are still crisp in our memory. If you are reading this, please a take just a second to either say a little prayer or, if you aren't the praying type, have a moment of silence for all those affected by 9/11. I am stepping out on a limb here by saying that probably includes all of us. I am also grateful for our service men and women. We are protected by the best. God bless them. I have many servicemen in my family going back through the generations. I've read their stories. I know what many have sacrificed. It is only fitting to pay them a moment of our time today.
This flashback Friday song is one of my all time favorite patriotic songs. Lee Greenwood debuted it in 1984 and it has been a hit ever since. In 1985 he won the CMA "Song of the Year Award." Here he is singing "God Bless the USA."
If you feel like watching one more video (and it is very worth it) to bolster your patriotic spirit, this is a great one by Billy Ray Cyrus singing "Some Gave All" from 1993. The embedding has been disabled on the video so I can't post it but click HERE and my hyperlink will take you to the youtube video. The video and the message are great. It's powerful---even if you aren't a country music fan.
So however you are spending your September 11, 2009, don't forget to take a moment to pay homage to those who have and are protecting us. Thank you and God bless.
Those are both excellent songs. God Bless the USA has always been one of my favorites but ever since 9/11 it gives me goosebumps and tears well up in my eyes every time.
I am a very patriotic person. And any song celebrating our beautiful country and the values that most of us here stand for make me very emotional. God Bless America.
I am a very patriotic person and feel so blessed to live in this country. My Grandfather was a marine and served in WWII in some of the worst battles of the war. I have multiple cousins who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as many of our friends.
I LOVE the song by Lee Greenwood and we sing it a lot when we are driving. I also like the song by Billy Ray Cyrus, who knew how much more meaning it would take on 9-11-01. Thanks for sharing the video.
I'm the proud mother to three very sweet little girls. Morgan is 6 and Sydney is 8. Our latest sweet, little Hadlee is 1 1/2. Sydney has had Type 1 Diabetes since Feb. 2008. Much of my blogging deals with my musings as I attempt to parent a child with Type 1. I also use my blog to share our laughs and tears and to commiserate with my friends and family. This profile wouldn't be complete unless I mentioned that I'm married to a wonderful, amazing, sensitive, good-looking man and I am so happy to share my life with him. We have been married for 9 years. He is my best friend and I can't imagine riding this journey with anyone else! If you happened to have stumbled on this blog and have any questions, feel free to ask. There are also some links further down my page that answers some of the most FAQ about Type 1 Diabetes.
Those are both excellent songs. God Bless the USA has always been one of my favorites but ever since 9/11 it gives me goosebumps and tears well up in my eyes every time.
I am a very patriotic person. And any song celebrating our beautiful country and the values that most of us here stand for make me very emotional. God Bless America.
I am a very patriotic person and feel so blessed to live in this country. My Grandfather was a marine and served in WWII in some of the worst battles of the war. I have multiple cousins who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as many of our friends.
I LOVE the song by Lee Greenwood and we sing it a lot when we are driving. I also like the song by Billy Ray Cyrus, who knew how much more meaning it would take on 9-11-01. Thanks for sharing the video.
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