Well Syd's walk has come and gone again. What a fun time we had!! First of all I have to give a great big THANK YOU to EVERYONE who supported Sydney this year either by watching her video and sharing it or donating or coming to the walk to walk with us! We felt your love and we thank you. The official numbers aren't in but we are estimating that Team Sydney will have raised right around $5,000 dollars. That number is amazing. We couldn't have done it without you guys. Each dollar raised brings us one step closer to a cure. One step closer to never dealing with highs and lows again. One step closer to eliminating all those scary side effects and one step closer to allowing Sydney to live a long, healthy life without the complications Type 1 diabetes can bring. Thank you.
The day was great! It was a little chilly in the morning but it warmed up quickly. It was filled with the walk and a bbq and bounce houses as well as a raffle. The camaraderie was awesome! Here are a few pics from our day. The rest of the pictures will be on my facebook so you can check them out there.
~Sydney with Brad and Tara from a local radio station. These guys are awesome. They promoted the walk and helped spread the word. They put syd's video up on the radio webpage and I got many texts from friends who heard them talking about sydney during their morning show. They are amazing and we love their support! By the way, Sydney has a crush on Brad. It is pretty cute.
~This is Team Sydney! All these people came out to support and walk for Sydney. Some drove several hours to be here and I want them to know how much that means to us, especially to Sydney. I know there were many more people who couldn't be there but I know their thoughts were with us! Thanks guys!

Congratulations!! 5K that's wonderful :) Love the pictures. Glad to see that you guys have such a great support system and people who obvious love Sydney so much! :)
Now I do have to ask. On the pictures of Loren's mom.... is that a turkey being dragged on the ground??!!!
Haha great question Rachel. I don't know the answer. But I will venture to take a guess and say it is not a turkey. I think it is part of the big balloon archway that got popped. I looked in other pictures at the finish line and it is just laying there. So that would be my guess. :) Good eyes! I didn't actually notice that til you brought it up.
When I read about other walks, I'm reminded that we're all connected.
Thank you, EVERYONE, for your support!!!!! Team Sydney is awesome :)
Sorry that I wasn't able to make it to the walk. The unexpected babysitting of my cousins made it kind of hard to go. I apologize! Glad things went well for the walk. Hopefully I will be able to make it.
Great job!
I'm glad the walk and donations turned out well! If we weren't working we would have been there too!
Im so glad the walk went so well. Great job!!!
Rockin' amount of money raised! You are a hero in my book!
I'm glad that everything went well Shamae! I know Lainey's dad. I went to school with him. Anyways, yay for Team Sydney!!!
Way to go guys!!!! I think it's so awesome that Syd walked the whole 3 miles, and so awesome that your grandma did 3 miles in her wheelchair!! Oh and I stay we stick with turkey! LOL!
Looks like an amazing day! I am so bummed we couldn't get up there for it - between soccer and everything else it just didn't work :(
Sydney is a rock star!
What an amazing day and that was interesting about the Mayor's child also having Type 1 diabetes.
Maybe someday we will be back in the west and can walk for team Sydney or better yet maybe a cure will happen before then!!
YAY for Syd! You serioulsy have one of the most amazing kids I have ever known....and that little MO is pretty darn special too! :)
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