Well this Thankful Thursday post is a little late in coming but oh well.
1--I'm thankful that Kelly P. has brought us many treats this week including, pumpkin chocolate chip bread, brownies, and the latest, cinnamon rolls. I like when his work meetings have extra treats. I am NOT happy that the cinnamon rolls are here while Loren is out of town because I will most likely eat them myself--who am I kidding I will eat them. Yikes!
2--I am thankful for the way my girls view the world and how they crack me up. I'm a bad mommy who forgets to check her girls shoes to make sure they are fitting properly. Sydney has been cramming her 12 1/2 size foot into a 10 1/2 size shoe that I bought last fall. (She said, "mom my toes don't wiggle anymore.) Bad me! Anyway Syd made me laugh...which I needed today cause I'm lonely...she said, "I needed new shoes, huh, mom. Cause my feet have been gaining weight."
3--I love Coke Zero--It is yummy. It perks me up. I'm thankful for it!
4--I am thankful for the play area in the mall. What a great place to spend a morning with Morgan! She has been blossoming having one on one time with me while Syd is in kindergarten.
5--Lastly I am SO THANKFUL for Syd's walk supporters. Team Sydney has raised $5200 this year. Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. Bring on the cure! Yahooo!!
What are you grateful for this week?
I am grateful for Cafe Rio, Dr. Pepper, Chocolate, and my family. Family being my first.
Blogging buddies, good A1C's ;), beautiful weather, my husband, my children.....and the list could go on!
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