Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Question of the Day

There is a quote that says, "Often the late person is happier than those who have to wait for them."

To this I say, amen!

I would consider myself a pretty punctual person. To most things I show up 5 or so minutes early--not ALWAYS mind you, but generally speaking, yes, I'm a punctual person.

Time to fess up! What about you? Are you punctual? Is being on time important to you?

(Sidenote: Do you like my new header and background? They are both courtesy of my awesome and talented friend Aubri! Thanks Aub! You made my page look great my friend!)


Rachel said...

Love the new look!!!!

I hate being late!!!! Hate it hate it hate it!!! I always try to be at least 10 minutes early.

Wendy said...

I'm punctual too :) 5 min early for most things...15 for something really important!

LOVE LOVE LOVE your new look :) :) :) The pics are awesome!!!! Beautiful, my friend. Just beautiful!

Aubri is quite talented....a blog makeover would make a really nice giveaway for Christmas, ya know...

Lynnie said...

Okay, I'll be honest. I pick and choose what I am on time to. Like church, wow I am not a super on time person to that.
Sometimes even when I'm trying my darndest after making all kinds of preparations, my family is the one who is slow and doesn't get out the door on time, which makes me look bad!!
So I do go easy on other people who are late. Especially if it's just once in a while, I understand. But it does bug me when everyone is waiting, and the same person who is ALWAYS late, is late again, that's annoying.

about the blog ..if you only knew how easy it is!! ;] but hey I'll let ya think I'm awesome and talented.

Mel said...

I'm punctual too, I can't stand it if I'm late. Sometimes it happens but oh it bugs me.

Meri said...

Love the blog...your friend did a great job!

HATE being late...I'm rarely late to anything. Even to church we are usually 20 minutes early, becuase we have things to do...but your friend is right...those that are very late, EVERY single sunday...well...I don't know, I don't want to say anything not nice, so I won't say anything at all.

Diabetes Super MOM said...

Such a cute blog!! Your girls are so precious.

I hate being late, growing up I was never late for anything. My mom is a little OCD on time.

My husbands family is ALWAYS late...UGGH

Amy said...

I like being punctual and a little early to least 5 minutes early...earlier if it's an important event.

Amy said...

Oh....and I love the new look! :D

Wortham Family said...

I love the pictures and the new layout,
I hate being late to places too specially to church, For the most part i'm always on time except when Jared comes with me and then i'm late no mater what!!! LOL

Hallie Addington said...

Love the new pics! Too cute!

I'm always late. I try- but it just happens. Especially in the morning.

"always late but worth the wait". That's my moto!!!

Leigh said...

Sorry I've been MIA for a while! I am always on time! People being late is one of my biggest pet peeves!

Nicole said...

First off I love the new look,great design! I love being on time and I wish that I could be on time more often. I try really, really hard, I HATE being late but it does happen to my family a lot!

LaLa said...

Love the new look - your pictures are great!! Such a good looking family. :-)

I am usually on time or early but with 3 little ones if I run a little late I just blame it on them!

Craig and Janalyn said...

I hate being late, I really do. But sometimes it happens. That is how it goes- I have 2 boys that are way interested in whatever they are doing than to listen to me when I ask them to get ready. They are getting better, we have been working on it. :)
Way cute blog, Shamae! Aubri did a great job!