Monday, February 22, 2010


My post about insurance issues sparked alot of interest, which I am grateful for. I know it's a sore subject with many people and there are lots of issues being fought. We have our battles and we fight them. However, since this post has gotten quite a bit of attention here and on facebook--and since this is cyberspace, who knows where else--I didn't want people to think Cigna was a terrible insurance company because they have done many things correctly and at the end of the day, I'm happy we have insurance. When Syd wanted to get a pump, there were no hoops to jump through. She just was able to get one. With our plan, the CGM is partially covered. Our copays and coinsurance is lower than a lot of other peoples...which I realize has more to do with my husband's work's plan of choice, but I'm grateful nevertheless.

So, while there are still things to work through with them--over and over--they haven't been awful. There are certain things that we continue to have to call in about and plead our case to receive...even then some things just aren't accepted. So, we have our issues. My letter still rings true, but I guess I didn't want people to think I just had terrible things to say about Cigna because I don't. It's just tiring having to deal with the same issues over and over. We aren't unique in this and while it could be better, it could also be worse.

I realize insurance companies are a business and they want to make a profit. I get that and I accept that. However, I feel if insurance companies would pay more to help people with preventative care, in the long run, everyone would save money. Statistics show that, when dealing with diabetes, the people who test more often have better control of their diabetes. What does this mean? The terrible, long-term complications are minimized. These people lead healthier lives IF they have access to their supplies at an affordable rate. So, yes, it's more coverage up front with more test strips and such, but, in the long run, it's cheaper than amputations, heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, hospital stays, comas, and early deaths. It's scary writing these words, knowing they could directly affect Sydney. I know the insurance doesn't set the price for things, but while I'm at it, it wouldn't hurt to make supplies more affordable for people. I know a few peeps who have no insurance. What a difficult burden. Test strips are insanely expensive--I would say on average they run about $1 a strip--and I would say most people test between 6-10 times per day. Ketone blood (not urine) test strips are so overpriced it makes me ill...$50-$60 for 10 strips! And they are not covered at all by our insurance. Infusion sets, I think I figured, for us, are about $20 a piece and we change them every other day. Not to mention the many, many other things that sustain life for a person with diabetes. Just a few things to think about.

So there is my clarification. Thanks for all the support on the insurance post! You guys are great!


phonelady said...

I know and thanks for the clairification .

Meri said...

Great Shamae! So now what am I supposed to do with all these picket signs I made?? LOL

I think everyone has a love/hate relationship with insurance companies. But isn't it the companies that MAKE the strips the ones who are ripping people off here?

:) Tracie said...

You have a right to vent your frustrations.

Those of us who are blessed enough to have insurance really are appreciative. It's just that our particular situations aren't going away without a cure, so until then do they really not get that we'll need the same things each time? And maybe even more depending upon the issue? That's what's frustrating, the consistent fighting for the same things. It's, hello? DUH!

The Lane Family said...

I know that my diabetes does not require all that Miss Sydney goes through but I agree I am thankful for insurance but at times I wish that they would look at the whole picture and the importance of checking blood.

When I was pregnant I had to do the urine and the blood Ketone strips 3 times a day. I was so thankful for insurance because money was really tight and they are SOOO expensive. Here is an interesting fact, when I got one of my hospital bills for one of the many times I was in with complications they charged be over 150.00 for one blood ketone strip...HELLO!!!

With Avery's issues we have other fight's with the insurance companies but overall it could be so much worse.

Thanks for the letter and for this follow-up.

Mel said...

Hugs, no need to clarify! We have a love/hate relationship with our insurance too. I love having it but I hate that after the deductible is met I still have to pay for the girls' prescriptions which are over $650 a month and then wait for them to reimburse me...and sometimes it takes longer then others to get the check back. It sure can make some months a lil stressed financially which isnt needed with a family dealing w/ medical stress.