I have a few random updates for my loyal blog readers. First, Sydney's appointment went well yesterday. I blogged earlier that her sugars have been pretty unstable recently. Her doctor upped her Lantus (the long acting insulin) to 4 units a day and that has helped dramatically! He was pleased with that. He also did an A1C test. This is a blood test that measures average sugar levels over the past 2-3 months. It is a great test to show what her sugars have been doing as a whole. The results were 7.5 which is a little high but her doctor was pleased with these numbers. Next appointment is in October! Sydney is such a trooper for those blood tests though. She doesn't move. She will shed a few tears but she doesn't move a muscle. Literally, she holds absolutely still! I was so proud of her.
Second, 2 days ago I got something I have wanted for so long! My diploma arrived! I technically graduated on May 10 but they have to wait for my final semester's grades to be turned in before they can issue a diploma. My grades were fine and so my diploma arrived! YAY!
Yesterday afternoon we also got everyone's teeth cleaned. Sydney always does great because she has been to the dentist every 6 months since she was 2 1/2. But this was Morgan's first time. I was nervous wondering how she would react. To my surprise Morgan did great!! She watched Sydney first and then when it was her turn she hopped right up in the chair and did everything they asked her! I am pleased to announce that we all had another successful cleaning with no cavities! Woohoo!
~Waiting for 4 minutes while the fluoride processes.
~Morgan waiting for 4 minutes while the fluoride processes. I didn't think she would last the whole 4 minutes but she did!
~ Cleaning those teeth!
For a couple of hours everyday this week we have been watching my cousin Josh and his wife Whitney's baby girl Becca Raye who is 3 1/2 months old. She is such a cutie and the best baby!! She never cries. When it is nap time I just lay her down wide awake and she falls asleep on her own! I'm impressed. My girls have loved having a baby to play with and Syd is such a big helper! We will miss her when babysitting is through. This is a cute pic but Morgan was trying to talk when I snapped the photo. he he he
1 year ago
Congrats on getting your diploma that is a big achivement! And I love the pictures of the girls at the dentist I never would have thought of taking picture of the kiddos there.
I can't believe how big your girls are getting. I still need to get my girls to the dentist for their first check ups but we are still waiting on insurance cards. we have a dentist that moved in to the ward the week or two after we did. I am hoping he accepts our insurance. anyway, congrats on your diploma, Lorne is jealous, he is hoping to get his soon.
That's so sad that little Sydney has to go through all of those shots and doctor visits. It must be hard to be the momma and watch!
It feels so good to be done with school doesn't it? Congrats!
You are really lucky to have girls that are so good at the dentist. working in the field i have to say that young children can be so hard to deal with for the dentist and the parents. So be proud of your sweet, good girls.
Look at Morgan being such a big girl! Parker has been to the dentist twice now and neither times have we actually gotten his teeth cleaned. We made progress last trip though. He let her brush his teeth but only with a normal tooth brush. Yeah for the diploma! 9 years later and I still need to get mine framed! Parker is going to go to 4 year old. Here most kids start 4 year old. His birthday won't allow him to be in 5 year old yet. You have to be 5 before August 31 and they are strict about it in Mississippi. But most all the schools have 4 year old programs so that is where he is going in a few weeks!
Sounds like things are getting better for Syd. I can't believe what a good girl she is. Poor thing! What an awful thing for a little girl to deal with. Congrats on the diploma. That is awesome. I am starting to work mornings at the gym. I will work from 4:30 AM to 10:00 AM kinda bummer hrs but hey. How is your training going? Hope it's going well! See ya soon!
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